Thursday, November 18, 2010

Week 11 in Review...

Last week was so long ago. All I can remember is watching Alice in Wonderland on Friday. Alice Wonderland is a movie about a girl named Alice who falls asleep and she dreams about a bunny running around saying I'm late, I'm late, I'm late. She follows the bunny/rabbit down the bunny hole. As she falls down the bunny hole, she passes through a log, and as she gets to the bottom, she catches her feet on a pole and hangs upside down. In front of her she sees the white rabbit running away. He goes through a door, many doors, getting smaller & smaller & smaller. The last door brings her into a huge room, and she hears a door slam in front of her and she tries to open the door and the door goes ouchhhhhhhhhhhhh. The door knob was his nose! Alice changes sizes many times. Until she shrinks small enough to fit through the key hole.

Sarah's favorite part of the movie was when Alice meets the Chesire Cat. I like this part because the cat messes with Alice's playing mind games.

Austin's favorite part of the movie was when tweetle dee & tweetle dumb when they were telling Alice the story.

Jason's favorite part of the movie was when the mad Hatter freaks out about the tea party.

We can't wait to watch another movie!

Another highlight of last week was was Austin cooked the yummy yummy baked potato skins. They were potatoes that we baked, then halved. Austin scooped the potato out of the skin, filled the skin with cheese & bacon. Sour cream was available for those who wanted it.

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