Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sausage Bread that Rocks!

This week we made sausage bread from an old Italian family recipe of Mrs. Cecil's. It came out fabulous and the kids loved it! We also focused this week on happiness and what makes us happy and thankful. We all came up with gratitude lists that we can refer to when we get a little down or negative. Some of the students chose to swim this week at the Sports and Fitness Center and others played basketball. We are all working diligently on our community service project of making wands and septres for the Ronald McDonald House in Burlington. We  hope that we may be able to offer the sick children a moment of magic and maybe a smile.

In Language Arts students are working on personal narratives. Some are focusing on life stories and have even expressed interest in getting them published. Way to go! Science will continue next week with some experiments on magnetism and electricity. Students are also learning about the U.S. government and how it all works. Monday will be cupcake day in honor of St. Valentine.