Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My 11 Most Anticipated Films of 2011 by DN

11. Cowboys and Aliens
I’m not sure exactly why this is on my list other than because it looks entertaining, nothing more. Harrison Ford and Daniel Craig, known for roles as Indiana Jones/Han Solo and the new James Bond, are cowboys fighting aliens. What can I say; it sounds fun!
10. Scream 4
As a horror movie fan, a new slasher film from Wes Craven has got to be on my list.
9. 11-11-11
Looks good and creepy.
8. Cedar rapids
Andy from the office is in it. It Looks funny.
7. District 10
I liked District 9 a lot so I hope this is as good.

6. Kick a-- 2
I thought the original was hilarious and so Im defiantly looking forward to this one.

5. Your Highness
This comedy looks as though it will be extremely funny and entertaining Natalie Portman is not someone I think of as a comedy actress so that will be interesting. So overall it looks great.

4.28 months later
It’s a sequel to 28 days later and 28 weeks later. It Looks like a great zombie film.

3. Pirates of the Caribbean on stranger tides
If its as good as the first 3 it will be great, im a little disappointed that some of the original cast isn’t returning but it should be good nonetheless.

2. Ghostbusters 3
Ghostbusters 1-2= AWESOME, I really hope this is good.

1. Harry Potter and the deathly hallows part 2

Im a huge harry potter  fan and so im obviously looking forward to the conclusion of the movies, I hope it lives up to the book.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Future Bloggers

The students in my middle school Language Arts class have been working on their blogs. Be on the lookout for blogs on gaming, music and small woodland creatures.

Valentine's Day Cupcakes

Our Culinary Class had a fun time making colorful, creative cupcakes for Valentine's Day. We made the Fluffy White Frosting recipe that can be found on our website. This frosting has a high sheen to it and is great for decorating. Some kids felt cheated that the frosting didn't have butter in it, but for the dairy intolerant people in the group, we loved it!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sausage Bread that Rocks!

This week we made sausage bread from an old Italian family recipe of Mrs. Cecil's. It came out fabulous and the kids loved it! We also focused this week on happiness and what makes us happy and thankful. We all came up with gratitude lists that we can refer to when we get a little down or negative. Some of the students chose to swim this week at the Sports and Fitness Center and others played basketball. We are all working diligently on our community service project of making wands and septres for the Ronald McDonald House in Burlington. We  hope that we may be able to offer the sick children a moment of magic and maybe a smile.

In Language Arts students are working on personal narratives. Some are focusing on life stories and have even expressed interest in getting them published. Way to go! Science will continue next week with some experiments on magnetism and electricity. Students are also learning about the U.S. government and how it all works. Monday will be cupcake day in honor of St. Valentine.  

Friday, December 10, 2010

Review of Yummy, Ummy Foods

This week we made two really yummy desserts. On Tuesday we made a Delicious Mocha Dessert that Jason picked out, It had coffee flavored pudding topped with brownies and heath bar crunchys and a bunch of whipped cream. On Thursday Austin Made some really yummy Peppermint bark. One of our student invited a guess to come and visit. we watched two movies and played pictionary. it was lots of fun.

Review of Yummy, Ummy Food